UltraStar Deluxe Version 1.0.1a is a Karaoke game inspired in the Singstar game for Playstation.
UltraStar Deluxe Version 1.0.1 allows up to six players to sing along with the music that sounds through your speakers, reading the lyrics in your screen, using microphones in order to introduce your voice and score points, depending on the pitch of the voice and the rhythm of singing.
You can use any video filetype you want as background You can also create and use your own songs, or search for ready-made songs in Internet.
The program can be installed in English or German, but later can be run in eleven different languages. The downloaded file has some demo songs.
You can define the settings of the program during the installation, like language, fullscreen, resolution, tabs and animation effects.
Once the program is installed, you can select the sing tab. Then you can choose the song you´d like to sing. Once selected, press play and sing according to the lyrics and the tempo indicated on the screen.
When the song finishes, the program will give you your score, and will qualify you from Tone Deaf to Lead Vocalist.